Minnesotans for Affordable Health Insurance
Minnesotans for Affordable Health Insurance


Contact: Bob Stein | 651-270-0634

Minnesotans for Affordable Health Insurance Endorse Bernie Perryman for State House in District 14A

Minnesotans for Affordable Health Insurance is pleased to announce its endorsement of Rep. Bernie Perryman in the race for the State House in District 14A.  We are supporting Rep. Perryman due to her support of public policy that will make healthcare more affordable for Minnesota consumers and increase consumer choice and competition among insurance carriers. Bernie understands complex insurance health insurance issues and knows that the rapidly increasing cost of health insurance is part of what is driving the high cost of living Minnesotans are experiencing.

Bernie Perryman is also committed to protecting coverage for people with pre-existing conditions.  Coverage for pre-existing conditions has existed in Minnesota’s marketplace since 1976.

About us:
Minnesotans for Affordable Health Insurance represents your local health insurance agents, who are the primary advocates for consumers who purchase coverage in the individual and small group health insurance markets.



Minnesotans for Affordable Health Insurance • Bob Stein, Chair
Facebook: MNforAffordableHealthInsurance • Twitter: @AffordableHealthMN

Website: www.affordablehealthinsmn.com
Email: [email protected]